Thank you to the association for inviting me to judge at this well run show with a lovely atmosphere. Also to the exhibitors for bringing their dogs. Thanks also to my excellent stewards, who kept the ring running efficiently and with good humour.
Puppy Dog 2 (0)
1st Shannon’s Packway Downlander at Erewhon . 11 months old with correct scissor bite, elegant head, dark eyes, small well folded ears. Good length of neck. Shoulder a little upright . Well knuckled feet, a little upright in pastern Good depth of chest and length of loin. Reasonably fit for a young dog. Good width of second thigh. Coarse coat. Moved well.
2nd Cummings Kaleginy Troubador. Another 11 month old dog with correct scissor bite, lovely head, dark eye, neat well folded ears. Balanced and well angled . Slightly shorter in length of loin and softer coat than winner of class. Preferred the movement of class winner today.
Junior Dog 1 (0)
Taylor’s Ormanstar Dark Shadow. Just out of puppy. Elegant, rangy dog, with brindle coarse coat. Dark eyes, correct bite, neat well folded ears. Excellent powerful neck onto correct shoulder. Good return of upper arm. Strong well knuckled feet. Chest deepening, good spring of rib and length of loin. Powerful well balanced hind quarters. Moved out well and true, maintaining his top line throughout. One to watch.
Post Graduate Dog 6 (0)
1st Peach’s Kilbourne King Alfred. Maturing hound with presence in the ring. Attractive head, correct scissor bite, dark eye, well folded ears, good length of neck onto well laid back shoulder. Good fore chest and well boned legs with correct strong knuckled feet. Good spring of rib and length of loin. Powerful, well muscled quarters. Moved well maintaining top line on the move.
2nd Heathcote and Finnet’s Hyndsight Sinnerman . Another maturing hound. Elegant head, neat folded ears. Good reach of neck onto correct shoulders. Good fore chest, well boned legs and strong well knuckled feet. Pleasing spring of rib and length of loin. Well angulated strong rear quarters. Dark coat. He lost out as his movement today was a little erratic.
Limit Dog 2 (1)
1st Faircloth’s Beardswood Uther. Although he stood alone, very much a worthy winner of his class. Elegant masculine head, dark eye, neatly folded small ears. Good reach of neck onto correct well laid shoulder. Well boned and strong well knuckled feet. Well ribbed with good spring into strong loin. Well angled quarters. He moved with drive coming from his rear and was true both coming, going and in profile. Dog CC
Open Dog 2 (0)
1st Heathcote and Finnett’s Hyndsight EndlessFlight. Another quality dog from this kennel . Masculine head, correct shoulders, good bone, excellent feet. Masculine head, correct scissor bite Well ribbed with deep chest, good strong loin and excellent croup. Shorter coupled than 2nd. Balanced angles and low hocks. Moved well. Dog RCC
2nd Peach’s Kilbourne Shrike. Quality hound with lovely head. Good strong neck onto correct well laid back shoulders. Well knuckled feet. More length to this hound. Excellent harsh coat, well ribbed back and good quarters with fall away. Didn’t move as well today as 1st.
Veteran Dog 0
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch
1st Bye’s Kirjojax Yeager. 19 month old still maturing hound with dark eye and elegant head. Neatly folded ears. Good reach of neck onto strong shoulders. A little upright in front and would prefer more bone. This dog is extremely fit with well developed muscles for one so young. Needs to mature. He moved reasonably well. BSY
Puppy Bitch
1st Lucas and Dargonne’s Packway Ecotrailer. Feminine head, good reach of neck onto well laid shoulder. Good length in body with deepening chest. Well ribbed back and good spring of rib. Strong well angled quarters with good topline, which she maintained on the move. BP
Junior Bitch 2 (1)
1st Havercroft’s Kilbourne Lyrae at Dragonside . Smart youngster at that leggy stage. Elegant and feminine head, good reach of neck onto good shoulders. Well knuckled feet. Chest needs to drop, but this will come with time. Good strong quarters, well developed rear musculature and a very pretty outline. She was enjoying her day out. Moved reasonably well.
Post Graduate Bitch 8 (2)
1st Brodie and Owen’s Wolfcastle Soul Sister. Feminine, almost three year old bitch. Elegant head, small well folded ears, good reach of neck onto correct, well laid shoulders. Good front and well angled rear. Excellent ribbing, depth of chest and rise over loin. Coarse coat. Moved with purpose.
2nd Spence’s Shagiead Stormy Seas - Another lovely bitch and these two girls, pushed one another hard. 1st winning on her movement today. Feminine, with elegant head, neatly folded ears. Good lay of shoulders and well boned straight legs. Well knuckled feet. Balanced in angulation front and rear. Moved reasonably well.
Limit Bitch 6 (2)
1st Heathcote and Finnett’s Hyndsight Carless Whisper. Beautiful bitch so very typical of this kennel. Elegant, feminine. Nice head, neat folded ears, good reach of neck onto correct well laid shoulders. Strong bone and well knuckled feet. Good depth of chest. Well ribbed back and strong muscled quarters. Underline rather level.
2nd Wilce Quinton’s Kilbourne Louisa Chick - Feminine head with neat folded ears. A little short in the neck. Well laid shoulders, good bone and well knuckled feet. Good length of ribbing and strong well developed loin, first and second thigh. Didn’t maintain her topline on the move.
Open Bitch 3 (1)
1st Helps Beardswood Ulyssa - Beautiful feminine bitch, elegant head, dark eyes and well folded ears. Strong, well boned and well knuckled feet. Correct shoulder placing. Excellent depth of chest, well sprung ribs, good length of loin and strong powerful quarters. Elegant topline both in profile and on the move. She moved well. Delighted to award her the BCC and BOB - finding out later she was the litter sister to my dog CC. CC and BOB
2nd Heathcote and Finnett’s Hyndsight How You Remind Me. Substantial well proportioned hound. Elegant head, well folded ears. Good reach of neck onto correct shoulders. Straight, strong well boned legs. Strong well knuckled feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, onto powerful quarters. She lost out to the winner on her movement which was a little erratic. RCC
Veteran Bitch 1(0)
1st Seymour Jackson’s Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan. Fabulous, almost 12 year old lady who moved her triangle with a big smile on her face and was obviously very happy to be in the ring. Shapely and in full coat - a real credit to her owner.
Jenny Grimshaw